My life in color

meredith pritchard

I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. I’m here in San Francisco, far from home, studying advertising and graphic design at USF, and I’m planning to graduate in Spring of 2025. When I’m not at the computer, you can find me teaching swim lessons, wandering aimlessly around Golden Gate Park, or browsing for funky t-shirts at the nearest thrift store.

From a young age, I’ve enjoyed exploring different creative mediums and outlets such as drawing, painting, collaging, photography, and jewelry making, to name a few. I envisioned myself becoming a painter or photographer for as long as I can remember. Only recently did I discover the joy of creating in a digital space. With that being said, I try to incorporate my fine arts background in my work whenever possible. From my daily runs outside, to the covers of my favorite albums, to my monthly scrapbook pages, I take inspiration from all aspects of my life, which explains my approach to design as I try not to tie myself down to one distinct style or subject matter. So I guess this makes me a jack of all trades, master of fun.